Meeting The Needs of Ministers

Every day, men and women in ministry are pouring out their lives for the needs of the Body of Christ. But who meets the special needs of these ministers—the need to be encouraged, inspired and connected with others who face the challenges of leadership?

 Our vision at the International Convention of Faith Ministries is to be a beacon of fellowship, inspiration and training, dedicated to nurturing and equipping ministers for robust and thriving ministries.

By fostering a community of faith-filled leaders, we aim to empower them to impart a spirit-filled life to every generation, igniting hearts with unwavering faith in the Word of God.


Inspiration has been a foundational goal of ICFM. As a minister, you are constantly giving of yourself to influence and inspire others. You need inspiration too. Whether by one-on-one relationships, through our published materials, V-Connection Zoom meeting, the Prayer Network, or regional and international conventions, you will be inspired to complete your ministry calling.


By providing this structure you can maximize your effectiveness in ministry, acquire opportunities for fellowship, inspiration and training, and receive from one another “that which every joint supplies.”


Fellowship is “joint participation.” Victory is always easier with someone at your side who knows what it means to hold up standard of faith in your life and ministry to the Body of Christ. ICFM provides fellowship with other ministers of like precious faith in your area and throughout the world.


Training and mentoring give you the strength and insight to finish the course. Through its varied training opportunities, ICFM helps fulfill the Biblical commission to equip leaders. Grass roots mentoring relationships, structured workshops, and discipleship materials help you take advantage of the experiences of others who have worked through the same challenges you face in ministry.


The results? Relationships, tools and encouragement that provide a solid foundation for multiplication and effective ministry.