Our mission at ICFM is to cultivate biblical concepts, community and care for ministers.



Who We Are

ICFM is led by distinction and driven by passion. Find out more information about our leadership & membership.

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What We Do

There’s something for everyone… Find an ICFM event near you and make plans to link up with a life-giving group of ministers, like you!

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How We Work

The vision of ICFM is to see ministers encouraged in ministry, connected with leaders of like precious faith, and equipped for life.

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Build up your faith with on demand video teachings and ministry products.

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Encouraging, Connecting, Equipping. Since 1979

“For more than 40 years, members of ICFM have provided one another an environment
and support system for healthy, growing ministries through fellowship, inspiration, and training.”

  • Fellowship is “joint participation.” Victory is always easier with someone at your side who knows what it means to hold up the standard of faith in your life and ministry to the Body of Christ.

  • Inspiration has been a foundational goal of ICFM. As a minister, you are constantly giving of yourself to influence and inspire others. You need inspiration too.

  • Training and mentoring give you the strength and insight to finish the course.

  • By providing this structure you can maximize your effectiveness in ministry, acquire opportunities for fellowship, inspiration and training.

  • The results? Relationships, tools and encouragement that provide a solid foundation for multiplication and effective ministry.

ICFM has encouraged, connected, and equipped thousands
of ministers just like you…

What They Say…

"Describing my feelings for ICFM members, these are friends that have been there for me through all stages of my life. They have prayed for me and stood with me, enabling me to be strong all the way to victory. At the ICFM conventions, I feel like I am at a family reunion, getting refreshed, encouraged, and enlightened in the Word and presence of the Lord. The Bible says, “Iron sharpeneth iron” and that describes my fellow ministers of ICFM."

− Dr. Datha Thomas ~ Savannah, Georgia

"Since I joined ICFM I have been introduced to men and women who have been willing to mentor, fellowship and assist me in fulfilling the call of God on my life. They are concerned about me, my family and my ministry. They truly care for ministers."

− Pastor Zane Bousum ~ Indianapolis, Indiana

"ICFM benefits my life with wonderful people of God and true friends, a real ministerial family, spiritual insight into my ministry and life, a place to belong to — our company, countless opportunities to expand my outreach and vision, an opportunity for church affiliation, and some of the best fellowship this side of heaven."

− Dr. Jesse D. Laney ~ Atoka, Tennessee